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Primitive man dance – it is a way of thinking and living. Almost all the important events occurred dancing: birth, death, war, and the election of a new leader, healing the sick, expelling evil spirits. The dances depict animals, hunting techniques perfected; dance to express love, prayers for rain, of sunshine, of fertility, the protection and forgiveness.
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The most common movement here – stamping, perhaps because it makes the earth tremble and obey man. Dancing like spinning, jumping and twitching.
In primitive tribes, of course, there is no regulated dance technique, but physical strength allows dancing completely given to dance and dance with absolute dedication, up to a frenzy. Jumps and whirling dancers bring to the ecstatic state, ending sometimes loss of consciousness.




Dances of this kind can still be seen on the islands of the South Pacific, Africa, and Central and South America.,


According to Hindu legend, the world was created by the dancing god Shiva. His divine dance of Shiva destroyed the hostile demons, and since then, the gods have always danced. Dance viewed as a phenomenon divine gift from the gods to mankind.

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About dances in ancient Egypt can learn from the hieroglyphic records, wooden reliefs, images, carved in stone, sculptures and other objects from the ancient tombs. In Abydos – the place where, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, was buried the dead god Osiris – during the summer solstice rites were held with dancing and music. Groups of singers and dancers lived in temples and participate in worship of the gods.


On the relation of the dance in ancient Greece is the fact that the muse of dance and choral singing Terpsichore was included in the pantheon of deities. The Greeks understood the dance very well, considering it as a gym, a means of healing the body, and how to mimic art.


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Ritual dance there too was not forgotten. Everywhere on the peninsula Italy priests performed the rituals associated with the ancient fertility cults. This kind of temple rituals gradually grew into national holidays. For example, the famous Saturnalia, conducted in late December, became a folk carnival, dancing in the streets and mutual gifting. Subsequently, the spirit of the Christian Christmas absorbed many elements of Roman Saturnalia.


The need for a dance due to the very nature of man, his internal rhythms, but also to the Greeks sought ideal beauty, which is achieved by stylization. An example is the war dance (pyrrhic) described in Homer and known for surviving reliefs and vase painting.The Romans made in the history of the world of dance as a great contribution to the creators of the pantomime. This – highly stylized sequence of movements, usually a single performer, and the main role was played by gestures.



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