New album Boney M. “Oceans Of Fantasy”, was released in September 1979. In the wake of previous success his team once again waited for first place of the British charts and Platinum.
However, the era of disco gradually left and the glory days of Boney M.
World success of the film John Bjedjema “Saturday Night Fever” (soundtrack, which was certified Platinum 15 times) has led many if not repeat his success, at least closer to it. German film director Hubert Frank Czechoslovak origin paid a riposte, writing a script of the European “fever” Disco-Fieber!
The film took place in a provincial German town (the American film character Tony Manero also lived in Brooklyn), where the only amusement of the local youth club, where live musicians (in Hollywood film music only with discs).
Under incendiary euro disco was the typical teenage love story, where the young man didn’t answer girl reciprocate and loved another…
The desire to show the role of teenagers really teenagers, not adults performing professionals resulted in the film stars mostly beginners or little-known actors, whereas in American “Fever” starring John himself was Travolta!
Its A Holi-Holiday Besides Boney M., soundtrack: Eruption, the Italian group La Bionda and teenage band The Teens.
An abundance of music prompted the filmmakers to use high-quality Dolby Stereo soundtrack, while the majority of German films still recorded in Mono.
However, the desire to “cut cabbage sales” soundtracks had the painting “a disservice”-scored songs up to failure, from a youth comedy film turned into an 84-minute movie clip, where short story inserts are interspersed by long speeches artists.
“Disco fever”, was released in March 15, 1979 rental. Move made, as the teenage version of “Saturday Night Fever” has acquired 80 countries, but the film had no notable success. Small budget, weak script and lack of famous actors, meant the imminent oblivion.
If the American “Fever” has so far sold on DVD and Blu-Ray, even VHS copy of Disco Fieber online isn’t an easy task!
The first single, preceding the release of the album, was released March 26, 1979. The song was based on the popular children’s American song “Polly Wolly Doodle”, a phrase which “Fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well my fairy Fay” has become an anthem of summer vacation: “Hooray! Hooray! It’s a Holi-Holiday “.
One can only wonder commercial intuition Farian who had spotted in the children’s song potential dance hit!
The risk was great, and so flippant single really broke the slender series of 7 singles in a row occupied the first lines charts in GERMANY (during this time was the 4-th place), in the UK, however, she took the 3-th place, and DJs clubs turned it into a dance hit! However, include it in the album, Farian still did not dare to. Contrary to the usual, there became only the B side of the single “Ribbons Of Blue”.
Genuine recognition was expressed and the release of a large number of cover versions by different artists and different languages: Danish by Birthe Kjær-“Hurra! Hurra! Sikken dejlig dag “(1980), Spanish from Ricky Martin (1993) and even Cantonese from Suzanne Kwon (1979)!
On the reverse side of the single was the song “Ribbons Of Blue”, written by the talented arranger Keith Forsey, at that time-sessional drums of Boney M. Besides Boney M. Forsey has collaborated with such projects as euro disco La Bionda and Lipstique, as well as Claudia Barry is the lead singer of Boney M. prior to joining Liz Mitchell. But it was particularly fruitful collaboration with Giorgio Moroder. In addition to recording drums for the song Donna Summer “Bad Girls”, Kate has become a sponsor of the famous song “Flashdance … What a Feeling “for the movie” Flashdance “.
Festival in Sopot
In August 1979 held a triumphant performance as guests of honour in the Polish city of Sopot international song festival, which was carried out on the entire continent!
While the NDP has formed part of the Soviet bloc and was in the SOVIET sphere of influence, and therefore not without censorship-“Rasputin” singing banned. And yet, having decided that winners are not judged, musicians have incorporated it in his unauthorized repertoire. Once sounded the first notes, transfer of the Opera was terminated. Polish speaker announced that the broadcast is interrupted due to a “glaringly improper behavior of the Group Boney M.. Soviet television viewers saw only concert in the record and only two songs (although performance lasted a whopping 55 minutes).
Also at the Festival in Sopot was held one of the first performances of the song “El Lute”.
Tour of Boney M. 1979 year culminated in SOUTH AFRICA is fairly closed country, moreover, under UN embargo because of the racial segregation “.
EL Lute/Gotta Go Home
The next single, released in late summer, Boney M. returned to the top of the German hit parade, however, for the last time.
In the UK (where it was released on the contrary, with the title track “Gotta Go Home” was even more modest success: 12-e line chart.
As usual, the Boney M. singles, one song was intended for the discos, the other for radio.
Dance hit “Gotta Go Home” was the cover for the German song “Hallo Bimmelbahn” (1973) Nighttrain group. The famous solo “uh-UH-uh-uh”, which sounded at the beginning of the song was and Nighttrain, however its true dance potential song revealed, of course, only with Boney M.-her original background is stuck in the fade.
In 2010, we again heard this solo in the song group Duck Sauce “Barbra Streisand”.
On the reverse side of the single was another biographical song, continued the line of “Ma Baker” and “Rasputin”. And again as a hero was selected quite scandalous personality…
Jeljuterio Sanchez Rodriguez, also known as El Lute, at one time was the most wanted criminal in Spain. His first term he received in his youth, when for stealing two hens was sentenced to 6 months ‘ imprisonment. Shortly after his release in 1965, he was again arrested and sentenced to the death penalty for the heist of a jewelry store in Madrid, during which a guard was killed. The Court commuted to 30 years in prison.
Insisting on his innocence, Sanchez desperately grasped freedom. Several times he managed to escape from prison, for which he was inducted by the police of Spain in a list of the most dangerous criminals of all time.
Biography of Sanchez is remarkable because, once in jail the poor illiterate peasant, he has shown such a will to live that learned to read and write, became a writer and even got higher legal education (probably to understand laws, justify yourself), continuing to protest the illegality of his detention.
Boney M.-El Lute (Fantastic Boney M. 20.08.1979) But during the reign of Franco the chance he did not have. In the song, Boney M. unfreedom Sánchez allegorically compared with captivity in Spain, under the dictatorship of oppression. However, following the death of dictator case El Lute was not reviewed.
When the album was released, Sanchez was still in custody. During the tour the musicians visited Spain, where they met with Sanchez and presented him with a gold plate, obtained highest selling single.
Perhaps it is publicity, which the song gave his case resulted in 1981, he was pardoned and released at the age of 39 years. The song “El Lute” made Boney M. unusually popular in Spain, where the public believed that Sanchez is not guilty and was waiting for its release!
The album topped the European charts Euro chart Hot 100, took 2-nd place in the charts in the Netherlands, Belgium and SOUTH AFRICA, as well as the 5-th place in Spain and France and the 35-th place in Canada.
Margot Borgstrjom translated the song for the Swedish dance band Wizex, which included a cover of “El Lute” in his album “Some Girls & Trouble Boys”. At the end of the year 1979 song for the week topped the Svensktoppen.
Oceans Of Fantasy
September 21, 1979 saw the release of the fourth album by Boney M. “Oceans Of Fantasy”. To work on the album Frank attracted a young and very talented musician and arranger of Romanian origin Michael Cretu (ROM. Mihai Creţu), at that time still unknown session musician, previously zapisyvavshego synthesizer parts for the song “Rivers Of Babylon”.
The era of instrumental Disco is already coming to an end, advancing a new synthesizer era, and in the work on the album had been exhausted the possibilities of new synthesizers, in particular the effect with the sounds of the sea.
In addition to Liz Mitchell, had been hired to write the soloist On precious Wilson, participated in the recording of the songs “Let It All Be Music” and “Hold On I’m Coming” (a cover of the song Sam & Dave, which was also released as the first solo single by Precious).
In recording vocal “Bahama Mama” competed as Linda Blake (“what’s the matter with men today?”), her voice can also be heard in the song “Ma Baker”: “Move your hands in the air and give me all your money”.
Contributed and Marcia, performing the song “No Time To Lose” and backing vocals to the songs “Ribbons Of Blue”, “Two Of Us” and “No More Chain Gang”.
In the song “Bye Bye Bluebird” Frank singing in two voices at once-familiar low and high falsetto. Vote same Maizie Williams and Bobby Farrell Williams again not included into any of the songs from the album, although during live performances artists always sang Liz Mitchell.
I’m Born Again/Bahama Mama
November single waited even less success. The Ballad “I’m Born Again” took only 7-th place in Germany and in the UK and does 35-e (and this is after the previous 9 did not leave singles TOP-20!). Not much consolation was and 12-th line in the chart of Australia.
I’m Born Again a cover of the Irish folk song “Buachaill Ón Éirne” with deep spiritual meaning: “since love touched my heart, my life has acquired a meaning. I feel that drejfuju no longer in space, I again believe that there is a tomorrow. The new tomorrow, which I can look “. So serious text was a response to the growing interest in religion by Liz Mitchell. It may seem strange, despite many songs with erotic overtones and candid photoshoot cover plates, Mitchell is absolutely not their performing role fun black babes. From an early age, thanks to his mother, she received serious spiritual education, and over the years her religious beliefs strengthened, prompting the singer to serious creative and personal change.
On the back was another disco-hit. In a comic song about Mummy with the Bahamas, whose six daughters (allegorically named beautiful Roses), none of which were married…
Original song title “Gotta Go Home” sounded like “Going Back Home”. This version of the Boney M. artists managed to fulfill several tv shows on the air, but the disc was already familiar to us the corrected version.
Tragic, but romantic story El Lute long has remained in the spotlight, and in 1987 in Spain released the movie “Bare Arandy Vicente: It moves or explodes, and a year later-” Bare-2: tomorrow I’ll be free. “
“Bahama Mama” (literally “mother with the Bahamas)-denominative name used to describe a large torpedo like.
For marketing, the film “Disco Fieber”, was produced in different countries under different names: “Bienenstich und Disco-Fieber” (Germany), «Boney M-vrocica Disko “(Yugoslavia), «Boney M in Disco Fever” (Denmark), “David Sullivan’s Disco Fever” (England) and even “Disco Dynamite!
The song “No More Chain Gang” in 1992, released a cover of Turkish singer Tarkan entitled “Çok Ararsın Beni”. She became his debut album Yine Sensiz “(Again without you”).